About Us






About Our Business






















AutoESL Design Technologies (AutoESL), Inc. is a privately held hi-tech company
providing platform-based communication-centric Electronic System Level (ESL)
synthesis tools in the field of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) for integrated
circuits and systems. AutoESL has leveraged many years of research from the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in behavior-level and system-level
synthesis. It has the exclusive license for commercialization of the xPilot synthesis
system developed in the UCLA VLSICAD Laboratory under the direction of
Professor Jason Cong, who is serving as the Chief Technology Advisor of AutoESL.  
The AutoPilot™ tool from AutoESL provides novel platform-

based, communication-centric ESL synthesis flow synthesis flow that
automatically generates high-quality RTL code from behavior-level and system-
level SystemC/C descriptions for design and implementation of application-
specific integrated circuits (ASICs), Structured ASICs, and field-programmable
gate arrays (FPGAs). AutoESL is a California Corporation with its headquarter is
in Los Angeles, California and an R&D center in Beijing, China.  






© 2006 AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc.



The Easiest Path from ESL to Silicon